Social Science

the most interesting book in the world by edward brooke hitching

The Most Interesting Book in the World by Edward Brooke-Hitching

Original price was: RM89.90.Current price is: RM80.90.

hagitude : reimagining the second half of life | social issues | feminism | psychology of ageing

Hagitude : Reimagining the Second Half of Life | Social issues | Feminism | Psychology of ageing

Original price was: RM68.80.Current price is: RM65.40.

lim kit siang: malaysian first bold to the last battle (volume two)

LIM KIT SIANG: Malaysian First Bold to The Last Battle (Volume Two)

Original price was: RM88.00.Current price is: RM83.60.

rendezvous with injustice – how a family survived hell after blowing the whistle on the 1mdb financial scam

Anything But The Law | Essays on Politics & Economics | Tommy Thomas

Original price was: RM50.00.Current price is: RM47.50.


Ghost Lives of the Pendatang | Informality and Cosmopolitan Contaminations in Urban Malaysia

Original price was: RM38.00.Current price is: RM36.10.

invisible women : exposing data bias in a world designed for men

Invisible Women : Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

Original price was: RM73.00.Current price is: RM62.10.

king warrior magician lover: rediscovering the archetypes of the mature masculine

King Warrior Magician Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine

Original price was: RM94.60.Current price is: RM89.90.